+852 9167 3376 info@inspire-yoga.com

Our Blogs

Corporate Wellness- Mindful Eating

Intermittent fast and time restricted are popular trends, we recently held a seminar discussing the body’s natural biorhythms and how shortening the window of eating helps to aid digestion and optimize metabolic functioning. In addition to outlining the best...

Yoga Asana and Awareness

To practice YOGA means to choose to evolve and produce transformations in the being, that will quickly become healthy and purified because of the energies that pass through the body. Even though this passing of the energy is produced, without a proper awareness of the...
Yoga for the Winter

Yoga for the Winter

Yoga practices follow seasons just as your diet, we sequence the postures and breathing techniques to stimulate warm and cooling energy. Ayurveda stipulates that connecting to the earth and elements of ‘kapha’ help us to keep us grounded, working with the...
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