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aug chakra

According to the Chakra system of energy we have 7 wheels of energy distributed along the spinal column, each centre of energy corresponds to a particular color. The colours of the energy are sequenced in the exact same order of the colors of the rainbow, Red for Chakra 1, Orange for Chakra 2, Yellow for Chakra 3, Green for Chakra 4, Blue for Chakra 5, Indigo for Chakra 6 and Violet for Chakra 7.


The different chakras represent the following elements, identities and personality aspects:


Chakra 1- Muladhara, Base of Spine, Self-preservation, Responsible for Survival

Chakra 2- Svadhisthana, Lower Back, Self-gratification, Responsible for Emotions

Chakra 3- Manipura, Abdomen, Self-definition, Responsible for Confidence

Chakra 4- Anahata, Heart, Self-acceptance, Responsible for Relationships

Chakra 5- Vissudha, Throat, Self-expression, Responsible for Communication

Chakra 6- Ajna, Light, Eyebrow Centre, Self-reflection, Responsible for Imagination

Chakra 7- Sahasrara, Crown of head, Self-knowledge, Responsible for Awareness


Yoga Chakra Needs to be Balance for the Equality of Our Self

The flow of energy from chakra 1-7 goes from gross to subtle, dense to light, physical to thought realm. The flow upwards is the liberating current moving from the physical to spiritual realms and the flow downwards is the manifesting current moving from thought to creation. A balance of both the upward current and downward currents of energy is important to reach a state of equilibrium in our personality.


Examining what each chakra represents can you see where certain wheels of energy are moving quickly whilst others are quite sluggish? For example, if someone is very sensitive and shy it would translate to an excess of Svadhisthana chakra which governs emotions and our right to feel and a deficiency in Vissudha chakra which governs the right to speak and be heard. Here is a generalized list of how imbalanced chakras can adversely affect you; eating disorders (Chakra 1), addictions (Chakra 2), aggression (Chakra 3), depressions (Chakra 4), self-doubt (Chakra 6), narrow mindedness (Chakra 6) and learning difficulties (Chakra 7). Reflect on where you feel disconnected, whether in personality or pain around a specific chakra, start to visualize the color of the chakra that you would like to harmonize, add the color to your wardrobe, your furniture or even as your screensaver. The color will act as a subconscious reminder to the wheel of energy and help you work on bringing it back to a healthy synchronization.


In modern society we operate in our heads most of the time, judging and criticizing ourselves and our surroundings without a deep sense of grounding and acceptance, this causes us to become egocentric and power hungry and makes it difficult to listen to what our body needs and how to serve it. Working with the body we help channel the energy to balance the liberating current with the manifesting current, yoga helps to balance the cycles of energy in each chakra to bring openness in our personality. In our healing yoga program, we explore chakra balancing yoga techniques that encourage us to find compassion with ourselves and connect with our body, our thoughts and inner power. We start by finding equilibrium around the heart chakra, bringing fruition to supportive and nourishing relationships with ourselves and others.

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