+852 9167 3376 info@inspire-yoga.com



Yoga nidra is an ancient technique to empower the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing deep rest and relaxation to both body and mind. Through conscious awareness of restoring each part of the body the mind is able to be present and calm while slowly and gently drifting into a meditative sleep. Excellent for those who struggle to get to sleep or who have restless sleep and are often woken up through the night. This class requires no prior experience or effort, simply lie down on the yoga mat and allow the instructions to lull you into a deep slumber. Our expert teachers conducting the class will ensure you first release any stiffness and find a comfortable position and after the session some energizing breathwork will be conducted together to ensure you feel balanced and refreshed after the session. 

Combine yoga nidra techniques with restorative yoga to soothe away any stress or tension, it can also be combined with singing bowl therapy to heighten the calming vibrations of the healing sound bath.