+852 9167 3376 info@inspire-yoga.com



your posture at your desk

We spend so much time in front of our computers sitting, do you suffer from back pain as a result? Stiffness around your neck and shoulders? Poor blood circulation from the lack of physical movement? Occupational tension is a term coined from the physical stress placed on our body from our modern day sedentary lifestyle.

We will go through basic movements that can be done at the desk in your work attire to help relieve the build up of tightness around the shoulders, neck, back and hips from sitting for prolonged periods of time. We demonstrate the importance of posture to breathing, mood and energy levels.

Practical tips on the following topics will be outlined

-Spine Mobility

-Hip positioning while sitting

-Feet alignment while standing

-Protecting wrists from tendinitis

The first step to making a change is to bring awareness of the problem, these seminars facilitate open discussion and reflection so we are more empowered to direct effort into healthier habits and more sustainable practice. We combine yoga and mindfulness with scientific research and findings for an effective workshop of embodied learning. For further information on our corporate wellness programs please click here

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