+852 9167 3376 info@inspire-yoga.com


Born and raised in the foothill regions of Nepal, Erin grew up being mesmerized by the mountains from afar. She was always curious by nature, with a big itch for exploring the world.

She first stumbled upon yoga in 2011 using it to do basic stretches and cool down after exercises. The more she practiced, the more she felt relieved, calm and joyful. Her curiosity led her deeper and she was able to unfold the many layers within her own self, finding a deeper connection with the practice of Yoga. She realized that it was much more than just the poses for physical wellbeing, but also a means to improve the mental health through meditations and breathing techniques.

She eventually went on to complete her Teacher Training from the Life Management Yoga Centre in Hong Kong, which is affiliated with the Yoga Institute Mumbai, the oldest yoga center in the world. Their teachings covered Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga styles with a more classical take on yoga teachings that also focused on how yoga is very much a way of life, and this resonated with her immediately. She learnt that most of our sufferings were self-inflicted and that in order to change our circumstances, we must first change ourselves.

Her love for teaching stems from her willingness to share and help overcome personal fears by empowering students to take control of their own health and wellbeing. She has taught yoga to students with different backgrounds and to those who were new to the practice, carefully crafting sequences that are suitable for the body structure and anatomy of her students. By focusing on alignments and breathing techniques, she hopes to build a strong foundation safely for her students in order for them carefully take on new challenges despite their fears. In return, teaching yoga has helped open up her heart and mind to new possibilities, and she wishes to share this experience with many more.

She will also explain how the poses affect the body and make adjustments for people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels. Always passionate, Erin hopes that her class participants will unearth strengths in their bodies and calmness in their minds. She believes that the strongest practice is the one you practice everyday. She hopes to be able to provide her students with the tools to unlock their full potential and welcomes you to open up, let go and grow together on this journey with her.

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