
While Joey had a promising career prospects in PR and Marketing, she decided to put her full devotion on yoga and be a full-time teacher instead – because she hopes to help people to find their true self within through yoga, just like how she helped herself in the same way.
Joey is a passionate yoga instructor. She firmly believes that practicing yoga allows one to see how he/she lives his life and emphasizes the union of mind, body and spirit. She is a firm believer that yoga is an effective way to relieve stress in the body and mind. Through the practice of yoga and regular meditation, a steady mind and healthy body can be attained.
Joey is a passionate yoga instructor. She firmly believes that practicing yoga allows one to see how he/she lives his life and emphasizes the union of mind, body and spirit. She is a firm believer that yoga is an effective way to relieve stress in the body and mind. Through the practice of yoga and regular meditation, a steady mind and healthy body can be attained.
Practicing yoga is also practicing balance, both physically and mentally.In her class, she focuses on helping students to adjust their bodies and improve both their strength and flexibility. Her vision promotes the equilibrium of life through yoga, benefiting the people in Hong Kong.
We all have unique body structures and lifestyles; and so we all need a different approach to the practice. Joey tailors sequences and modifies asanas taking into consideration each individuals body dysfunctions and past injuries. Joey embraces a dynamic teaching style which complements her diverse experience. She utilizes knowledge from various disciplines of yoga and fitness to achieve students body and mind goals. Joey provides hands on adjustment and tailors the pose variations to meet the exact intensity that each student requires.

Practice mantra ~ ‘Sthira sukham asanam’ (Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras 2.46) – Yoga postures in meditation should be steady, stable and with ease.