We can be inspired in a moment, but how long does that stay? To make meaningful change we need to ensure that we don’t slip back to our old ways. The nature of the mind is to wonder, it gets caught up with distractions and before you know it any momentary shift gets washed away and the old patterning remains. How have you made a change in your own life? Any transformation takes commitment to implement. For example, we know eating fruits and vegetables are healthy, the information itself is not enough to change our habits, a commitment to a 21 day cleanse where you underwent a regime of only fruit and vegetable will you arrive at your own experience of feeling lighter, clearer and healthier, it’s that experience of before and after that steers you to choosing more fruit and vegetables in your diet. This lasting change requires commitment, this is broken down into 3 elements
- Discipline
- Time
- Reflection
No one said change is easy, it takes the most will power to get started in implementing the change. Someone might come and tell you ‘this is good for you, you should try to make this change’ discipline is when we self-impose the behavioral change on ourself, it’s a decision we make personally. Whether it’s going for a walk every day, controlling anger, limiting screentime or having more meaningful connection at work, it’s a skill we develop daily with our own self effort.
Change doesn’t happen overnight, it takes a consistency, give yourself a time frame to commit to a changed behavior each day, if you slip up, be forgiving with yourself and re-commit to the change and start from day 1 again, this build in a new patterning within.
Once we go through a transformation it’s important to take time to reflect on your lived experience, how do you feel afterwards? Did it get easier with time? What benefits have you recognized? When we experience the how it has changed you, psychologically it is all worth it and you will be able to sustain it. Reflecting on the physical benefits is what makes the change sustainable, I feel more energetic, I feel calmer, I feel more social support in the office.
Our corporate workshops bring about lasting transformation by first acknowledging and accepting the current situation, then prioritizing what needs to be changed with most urgency to bring the greatest improvement and supported over a time period of 3 months with daily practice to instill discipline and weekly workshops we ensure that your teams arrive at sustained change and are rewired for productivity. Often we see stress as the current predicament, how do you feel in your body when you are tired and exhausted? What does that do to the quality of your relationships? Do you make the best decisions when you are calm or flustered? Do you want to engage with others when you are stress? Are you looking for a working environment where you feel supported and understood? If you are interested in transformational shifts are your workplace, click here for a detailed proposal of our corporate offerings.