+852 9167 3376 info@inspire-yoga.com

Our Blogs

Can Empathy be harmful?

Leaning in to vulnerability, empathy in conversation, stepping into others’ distress are all actively advocated to handling workplace toxicity, but is experiencing someone’s suffering helpful in the long term? Studies have shown empathetic distress...
Yoga to Enhance Sporting Performance

Yoga to Enhance Sporting Performance

Private yoga classes are designed to help you improve your movements so you play the activities that you enjoy better and for longer, be it golf, basketball or ballroom dancing! Many of our clients use their yoga classes as a way to maintain their lifestyle, so that...
Is Silence Always Golden?

Is Silence Always Golden?

Often we hear to be the ‘bigger person’ is to walk away from conflict, but when is it important to fight for what is right? Over the weekend, I was at a reunion when a friend ridiculed me for being a vegetarian, stuffing 2 slices of salami in her mouth and taunting me...
Easy solution to weight loss

Easy solution to weight loss

Did you know that stress and weight gain are interconnected? When we are stressed the body goes into survival mode, this means it holds on to fat deposits thinking it may need it as an extra energy source to face the threat. More importantly, stress creates an...
What is Mindful Communication?

What is Mindful Communication?

There’s a whole host of mindfulness practices being shared, most of them relate to your state of mind when performing a task, mindful eating, mindful walking, being there fully and wholly, how can we use this when we are interacting with others? This is the...
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