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Our Blogs

7 step guide to meditation

7 step guide to meditation

We all know meditation is something that is encouraged, it’s supposed to be great for well-being, overall health and mood researchers have now found scientific data to support the merits of meditation and why it’s so important for us to use as a wellness tool with the...
The secret to feeling balanced

The secret to feeling balanced

  We feel scattered and confused when we are experiencing an inner conflict, you want to sit and meditate but your mind is all over the place, you are committed to your health but keep procrastinating exercise, you want loving relationships but find yourself...
Can yoga improve sleep quality?

Can yoga improve sleep quality?

Are you looking for a natural way to relax and sustain your energy levels? Don’t miss this exclusive event, where the founder of Inspire Yoga, Neelam Harjani, will be explaining her proprietary 5 step model of tension release included in her book ‘Secrets...
The best breathing technique to reverse the effects of stress

The best breathing technique to reverse the effects of stress

How does stress affect our breathing? We experience stress as the ‘fight or flight’ response which is rooted in the emotion of fear stimulated it is governed by the limbic brain. This causes a physiological domino affect causing us to hold our...
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